The regret, these two words were etched into my forehead, I was sure. - Vann Chow
Are there moments when our brains are not exercising? I questioned. That would be almost like being brain dead... - Vann Chow
The face of self-pity was universally understood. - Vann Chow
Good Samaritan is only good when they think no one else will be the Good Samaritan. - Vann Chow
Love is like wine, it gets better everyday. - Vann Chow
Life is not only consisted of "yes" and "no", but a lot of "yes and's" and "no but's". - Vann Chow
A lot of people travel because they are unhappy, but travelling does not necessary makes one happier. Sometimes it exacerbates the unhappiness, the loneliness. - Vann Chow